Center for Communications
Help us get the word out. An organization is only as effective as its ability to share information. And JHSM depends on the Michigan Jewish History Bulletin and to publicly recognize donors and partners, share information about research efforts and upcoming programs, and communicate our mission within and beyond the Jewish community. Maintaining, improving, and expanding these crucial communications platforms is the key to sustaining and growing the reach of the knowledge we are committed to creating and disseminating.
Your donation to the Center for Communications helps support:
Michigan Jewish History Bulletin
The Michigan Jewish History Bulletin is our opportunity to recognize the people, institutions, and initiatives that have contributed most meaningfully to our success over the previous year. In it, we highlight programs; recognize the contributions of our donors, supporters, and researchers; and detail our financial status and fundraising efforts. Your gift helps us share our compelling story with those who are most committed to helping fulfil our mission.
Website Renovation: Stage II
With the help of a generous matching grant, we have modernized the donation and development pages of the JHSM website. This was the first step toward a fully updated and functional website to facilitate on-line payments, and publicize our programming across Michigan and beyond. Your support can help us create a more powerful tool to immerse visitors in our mission and vision, demonstrating what we do, how we do it, and why it matters now.